Platform | Missouri Green Party

Following is the state platform for the Missouri Green Party. To view the national platform for Green Party of the United States, click here.

Click here to download/print our State Platform tri-fold brochure.

Criminal Justice

The criminal justice system in America is unjust, designed as a means of social control over the marginalized and indigent, yet exonerates corporations and the wealthy. Discrimination makes the criminal justice system a breeding ground for racist behavior on the part of police officers, prison guards, judges and prosecutors. At the same time the criminal justice system is vastly underfunded in terms of programs needed to achieve rehabilitation and successful, lasting re-entry into society. In America, unlike any other developed country, recidivism is excessive, not rare. The criminal justice system has become the depository for a million or more prisoners whose crimes are the result of poverty, perpetual stress, mental health and/or addiction issues. Read more about our plan to transform our criminal justice system...



Going to the polls is an essential component of self-governance; but democracy is vastly more than selecting between candidates. Democracy includes deciding how we organize all aspects of our society, including our community space, work lives, and our daily interactions with each other. The Missouri Green Party (MOGP) envisions a society which thoroughly includes citizens, not just in “input,” but in decision-making for all important aspects of our social existence. A massive overhaul of the electoral system could lay the foundations of a truly democratic society only if there were simultaneous efforts to overcome oppression in terms of class, race, gender, sexuality and disability. Read more about our plan to transform our democracy...


Economic Development

The Green Party places concern for the well-being of individuals and communities above corporate profits.  The Green Party economic platform is a road map to ending control by a very wealthy few and ending the failures of an economic system based on greed and exploitation of people and the Earth and to creating a peace economy. Read more about our plan to transform the economy...



The Missouri Green Party believes that public education is important for all Missourians. Our commitment will ensure a public education system in which all people can best achieve their life's ambitions. The Green Party will work to create an educational system that prepares all students to be effective and engaged members of our society. Read more about our plan to transform education....



Production and use of fossil fuels, nuclear power, toxins, industrial agriculture and chemical fertilizers threatens the survival of humans and millions of other species. It is imperative that we phase out destructive products, and clean up Missouri's air, water and soil while preserving its natural beauty and ensuring adequate income for all. Read more about our plan to transform our relationship with the environment...



All people have the right to healthy food produced through ecologically sound and sustainable methods. Too many people lack access to healthy food. The systematic destruction of people's self determination to control food is a consequence of a predatory corporate controlled food system from production to marketing to distribution of food. This results in poor rural and urban communities suffering from high rates of chronic diseases such as heart disease and diabetes. There needs to be a transformation of the chemical/fossil fuel driven food system to an enhanced organic system where the soil, water, air, plants, and animals are nurtured to optimum health, and human health is freed from exposure to toxins applied throughout the food system. Food sovereignty includes having the right to food which is healthy and culturally appropriate. Guaranteeing it requires policies which support diversified food production in each region. Read more about our plan to transform the food system...


Health Care

The Green goal of a health care program is better health for all Missourians, thus enabling them to realize their fullest human potentials. Government has a duty to act on behalf of people in need and the good of society as a whole by guaranteeing health care for all people. A national health program is needed for health security and the Missouri Green Party endorses a national healthcare program. Read more about our plan to transform health care...


A Greener New Deal

Energy conservation is essential for the existence of humans and other species.  The Green New Deal attracts tremendous attention by calling for Medicare-for-All, Housing-for-All, and Student-Loan-Forgiveness-for-All.  It can become greener by including a Shorter-Work-Week-for-All.  Recognizing that every type of energy has negative effects, a Greener New Deal proposes to improve the quality of life as we work fewer hours, manufacture fewer detrimental goods, and use much less energy. The Greener New Deal aims to convert the old economy that is based on world domination, wars, exploitation and extraction into a new, sustainable economy that is environmentally and ecologically sound, economically viable and socially responsible. Read more about our plan to transform the energy system...


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  • Esteban Leon
    followed this page 2020-02-08 12:31:38 -0600
  • Missouri Green Party
    published this page in About Us 2017-08-28 13:14:43 -0500